In June 310 BC, a fleet under the command of Agathocles, the tyrant of Syracuse, set sail to Africa, in order to attack Carthage. After six days of sailing, once encountering and driving away a carthaginian fleet, Agathocles landed somewhere near Cape Bon (in modern day Tunesia). He ordered his ships to be burned, so …
Ancient History,city,diplomatic relation,greece,greek polis,greek politics,Hellenistic greece,History,Peloponnese,References,society,sparta,Uncategorized
The Helots of Ancient Sparta?
When you think of Sparta, an image will most likely form of hoplites formed in line or on march. Men in gleaming armour, surly eyes and possibly the odd six pack. Spartan society attracted a lot of interest both in the time of the ancient Greeks and later, its mystique cultivated by a lack of …